Hilltop Heritage Middle School Softball Field Lighting Environmental Review - CLOSED

As part of the recent renovation to the Hilltop Heritage Middle School Softball Field, field lighting is planned to be added in 2025. We have entered into the environmental review process for this phase of work and as the lead agency we have issued a Determination of Non-Significance for this project, noting that this proposal will not have significant adverse impact on the environment. 

The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process is a state requirement intended to ensure state and local agencies consider the likely environmental consequences of a proposed project before the project begins. The City of Tacoma also requires submittal of SEPA materials as part of the building and site development permit review process. 

The below documents are available for public and agency review:

Determination of Non-Significance
SEPA checklist

If you wish to appeal this determination, please submit a written statement requesting an appeal, specifying (a) the determination being appealed; (b) the errors complained of; (c) the corrective action being sought (d) the reasons why the determination should be changed; and (e) whether further oral or written comment or a hearing is requested to planning@tacoma.k12.wa.us by 4:00p.m., December 18, 2024

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