
Attendance is the single most important factor in determining academic achievement. Mason strongly encourages scheduling appointments and family vacations outside of the school day. The following are methods of communicating with the school to receive an excused absence or tardy:
    a. The parent/guardian may telephone or email the Attendance Office on the day of, or prior to, the absence to excuse the absence or
    b. The parent/guardian may email the Attendance Secretary on the day of, or prior to, the absence to excuse the absence or
    c. The student may bring a note to the Attendance Office from the parent/guardian following an absence.

Attendance Line:
Desk: 253-571-7074

To excuse an absence or tardy, the note must include:

  • Student’s full name
  • Parent/guardian’s full name and signature
  • Date of absence and estimated time of arrival for a tardy
  • Reason for the absence or tardy
  • ​Parent/guardian daytime phone number

An absence will be considered unexcused if the student fails to bring a note from his/her parent/guardian within 2 days following the student’s return to school.

Re-entry Slips 

Re-entry slips are no longer required at Mason Middle School. Any unexcused absence during the school day, including a single class period, will automatically trigger an automated phone call to the student’s parent/guardian. Please make sure that your phone numbers are current with our Guidance Secretary. If you receive a phone call about your student’s absence that you believe is in error, please contact the Attendance Office to resolve the issue.

Arriving Late/Leaving Early 

All students must check in or check out with the Attendance Office when arriving late or leaving early. An explanatory note from a parent/guardian must be submitted to the Attendance Secretary.

Early Dismissal

  • If a student must leave school during the day for any reason (medical, dental, disciplinary dismissal, etc.) a dismissal slip must be obtained from the Attendance Office.
  •  A written request for dismissal, to include both the time and reason for dismissal, is to be presented to the Attendance Secretary between 7:55 and 8:15 a.m. on the day of the early dismissal.
  •  If a student becomes ill during the day an early dismissal slip will be issued by the Nurse or the Office after contact with the parent/guardian has been made and authorization has been given for the student to leave school early.
  •  Parents/Guardians must provide valid identification prior to the release of a student.